I started today.


I don’t throw an upside down peace sign very often, so you know this ones good.

Obligatory Introduction: 

My name is Damon, and I’m a wanna be programmer. I’ve juggled around a lot of things that I’ve wanted to do with myself through my head over and over. A lot of my “dream jobs” fall short, because really. I don’t care that much about them. I love writing, and I love art, and I love video games. I’ve put a lot of thought into the idea of being video game developer, and I think that’s where I belong. This blog I have started will be a journal and and update site for my progress through this portion of my life, and I am willing to share it with anyone who is interested. 

So, I started teaching myself python a coupe of days ago, it’s been fun. I’m taking way to many notes and i’m trying to wrap my brain around everything. From what I’ve read, and seen. Python is a really easy starting programming language. Which is what drew me to it. However, after doing some more research I think the best place for me to start might be JavaScript, but really I’m still not sure. I would eventually love to program in C++ and I’m just kind of trying to figure out where the best place to start is. I’ve heard that JavaScript was a good place, because it has the “C-Syntax style.” but really I’m sure it’s almost universal either way.

From the general consensus of the public the best way to start programming is to pick whatever language, and then start there. It’s all about preference I suppose.

Anyways, I don’t want to bog everyone down with a lot of stupid text. So here’s some ducks I photo-shopped together and some good websites if you’re interested in starting programming. 




This Article: http://blog.seangransee.com/post/36978191579/why-i-believe-javascript-is-the-best-first-programming

Led Me to This Article: http://www.quora.com/What-s-a-good-first-programming-language-to-learn 

Those are good nice reads for people are just interested in figuring out where to start.

These are also some really good places to start learning from when you make a decision:



Song of the day? more like mix of the day? lot’s of songs for the day?